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Sweet Treats Lda, corporate number 514272376, headquartered in the district of Lisbon.


The domain/online store available at are owned by “Sweet Treats, Lda” (hereinafter only “Scoop n Dough”), a private limited company headquartered in the district of Lisbon, with a single registration number and registration number. legal person identification No. 514272376, and holder of the registered trademark with “Scoop n Dough”.


These general terms and conditions regulate the access, use and privacy of the page, and that Scoop n Dough makes available to consumers to analyze and complete the process of purchasing a product in a takeaway service or delivery to the domicile, payment processing that will be executed and controlled by Wix Payments, Ifthenpay or by SIBS (Multibanco and MBWay).


By using and purchasing the Product or Experience, consumers accept these Terms and Conditions of Use and Purchase of the Product or Experience.

In any case, Scoop n Dough advises all consumers, before completing any purchase of the Product or Experience, to carefully read these Terms and Conditions of Use and Reservation of the Product or Experience.


General rules for using the site

This page and the data collected through it are personal and non-transferable, so any misuse of it is the sole responsibility of the consumers.

It is the responsibility of consumers to always confirm the data on this page.

By purchasing the product, they are accepting all the conditions contained herein, which they declare to know upon completion of the service purchase process.


purchase procedure

Consumers must follow all the steps and information on the website, or by telephone, for the purchase to be completed successfully. 

The payment methods are included in the acquisition process itself, and no others are accepted.

For payments via ATM, an ATM reference will be generated, valid until 23:59 the following day. Once this period has passed, the reference will be invalidated and the purchase considered void.

With the completion of the purchase of the Product or Experience, under the terms defined herein, consumers assume the obligation to pay in advance for the services to be provided.



The total purchase price of the Product(s) that appears on the website necessary to execute and complete the purchase is published in euros and includes the taxes and fees in force at the time of the offer and, if applicable, the commission will be detailed. acquisition processing by Ifthenpay.

Published prices are applicable for as long as they remain published and Scoop n Dough may change the price without prior notice. However, this change cannot affect purchases that have already been made, without prejudice to cases of manifest error.


Product or Experience Payment

After payment for the Product(s) and if the consumer chooses the home delivery option, on the day and time chosen, the Product will be delivered to the address indicated by the consumer in the order process, taking into account any external constraints that may affect the making and delivery within the stipulated period.

If the consumer chooses the takeaway option, the Product will be collected at our store, located at Rua das Portas de Santo Antão 78, 1150-269 Lisbon. Collections will be made within the following hours: Wednesday to Sunday from 12:00 to 18:00.

It is the customer's responsibility to indicate the existence of food restrictions or allergies when booking.

The validation of the purchase implies that the consumer is aware of and expressly accepts these Terms and Conditions.

The contract for the purchase and sale of the Product is concluded in Portuguese.

After making the payment, the consumer will receive an automatic email confirming the transaction. In case the data is not correct, the consumer can immediately request its alteration.

Personal data provided by the customer are considered to be strictly confidential.

It is Scoop n Dough's responsibility to provide support to consumers regarding the submission of invoices, cancellations and refunds related to the services provided.

Scoop n Dough is responsible, in accordance with applicable law, for determining the taxes or fees applicable to the services provided.

It is the responsibility of Scoop n Dough to provide receipts or invoices to consumers for the services provided, whenever requested.

It is up to Scoop n Dough to inform consumers that it has contracted a third party (Ifthenpay or Wix Payments, as identified above) to perform and control the processing of services provided by Scoop n Dough via credit card. For payments via Multibanco and MB Way, the payment processing entity is SIBS.

Likewise, Scoop n Dough undertakes to maintain, together with these companies, all refund, cancellation or adjustment policy procedures, clearly explaining the process through which consumers can be refunded.


Cancellation and return

Scoop n Dough, under the legally applicable terms, establishes that it refunds 100% of the purchase price of the Product, only if this refund is requested up to four days before the provision of the service.

Scoop n Dough, under the legally applicable terms, establishes that it will refund 50% of the purchase price of the Product, only if this refund is requested up to 24 hours before the provision of the service.

It is possible to change the name of the reservation until the day of the event.

To request a refund or change the date of provision of the service under the terms described above, they must send the request they want to the email address, indicating all the identifying elements relating to the reservation and the consumers.

The invoice with tax number must be requested via email .



In cases where the customer is not satisfied with the service provided or the products purchased, we encourage you to contact us directly at reporting the situation so that we can agree on the best resolution.

For formal complaints to the competent authorities for consideration, the consumer may use the digital Complaints Book or the physical book present in our space.



The use of this page is free and voluntary, so Scoop n Dough does not accept any responsibility for damages that may arise as a result of using this site. Likewise, no guarantee is given that access to this website will be uninterrupted or free from errors, viruses or harmful material and is not subject to claims, penalties, damages or expenses that may arise from either the use or incapacity of the website. , or from unauthorized access or alteration thereof.

Scoop n Dough reserves the right to make changes and corrections, suspend or close this website when it deems appropriate and without prior notice to any user, and without prejudice to full compliance with the obligations it has already assumed towards consumers.

Scoop n Dough does not previously filter or monitor content transmitted to this site by third parties and is not responsible for filtering any such content. If notified, Scoop n Dough may investigate an alleged violation of the website's Terms and Conditions of Use and may order the information to be removed from the website.

The user agrees not to transmit to this site any illegal, defamatory, pornographic, scandalous or any other content that could constitute conduct that violates any law. Scoop n Dough will cooperate with any law enforcement agencies that order the disclosure of the identity of any person transmitting such content.

This disclaimer is not intended to limit Scoop n Dough's liability or exclude its liability where legally permitted.


Copyright and proprietary rights

The content of this website, including images, text, advertising and audio, video or other materials, is protected by Copyright and Related Rights, under the general terms of the Law and by national and international legislation on the Protection of Intellectual Property.

It is not permitted to display, reproduce, modify or transmit the contents of the website in any way, whether for public or commercial purposes, without the prior and express written consent of Scoop n Dough.

Exceptions to this prohibition are the uses authorized by law, namely the right to quote, provided that its origin is clearly identified.

It is expressly prohibited to use this site for illegal purposes or any other purposes that may be harmful to the image of Scoop n Dough.


Use and risk

Consumers are prohibited from creating or introducing on this website any type of virus or programs that damage or contaminate it, or advise third parties to do so. Offenders will be subject to criminal prosecution.

By using this page, consumers agree not to engage in any conduct that may (a) violate the law, the Terms and Conditions; (b) harm the image, interests and rights of Scoop n Dough or third parties; (c) harm, disable or overload this page or that may prevent or alter, in any way, the normal use of this page; (d) use false identities, substitute the identity of others when using this page or using any of the services; (e) use the services and functions provided for purposes or effects contrary to the law, morals and good customs, public order, or likely to be interpreted as in bad taste, offensive or controversial; (f) violate intellectual or industrial property rights belonging to Scoop n Dough or third parties; (g) use the services and functions made available, in particular, data and information of any kind obtained through this page, to send advertising, communications with commercial or other purposes, unsolicited messages sent in bulk or spam, as well as to market or disseminate in any case such data and information. In particular, consumers expressly undertake to (i) not destroy, alter, render useless or, in any other way, damage the data, programs or electronic documents and others found on this page; and (ii) not to introduce programs, viruses, macros, controls or any other logical device or sequence of characters that cause, or are likely to cause, any type of alteration in the computer systems.

Consumers will be liable for damages, of any nature, that Scoop n Dough may suffer, directly or indirectly, as a result of non-compliance with any of the obligations, duties and rules contained in this page.

Scoop n Dough adopts reasonably adequate security measures to detect the existence of viruses. However, the user should be aware that the security measures of computer systems are not impregnable and that, therefore, Scoop n Dough cannot guarantee the absence of viruses, malicious software, worms, third-party social engineering attacks (phishing , pharming, trojans, etc.) or other elements that may produce changes in the consumer's computer systems (software and hardware).

Scoop n Dough reserves the right to interrupt, temporarily or permanently, and without prior notice, access to this page, as well as the provision of any or all services provided through it, whether for reasons of technical operations, control, security, maintenance, lack of electrical supply, repair, updating, improvements or for any other reason, not being required any type of compensation for this.

Any and all questions arising from the Terms and Conditions should be directed to Scoop n Dough via email


Privacy Policy

Sweet Treats LDA, legal entity that owns the brand “Scoop n Dough” values and respects the privacy of its consumers. Thus, and in compliance with the provisions of Law No. 67/98, of 26 October, regarding the Protection of Personal Data, Scoop n Dough informs that the processing of personal data collected on the website is its sole responsibility.

The information is collected, after authorization is given to the consumer, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD), in force since 25 May 2018, with the purpose of being used for matters related to the service to be provided. . As such, Scoop n Dough may use the data to process a purchase, subscribe to a newsletter, respond to a questionnaire, brand communication and marketing purposes, or for any other purpose involving service improvement.

Scoop n Dough may be obliged to share the personal data of its consumers with the different entities with which it maintains contractual connections (payment processing companies), which will also respect the Personal Data Protection. For all other purposes, Scoop n Dough undertakes not to share the personal data of its customers.

In the event that Scoop n Dough is legally, administratively or judicially forced to communicate the data provided by its consumers, it will do so in compliance with the applicable law and the respective decision.

Each consumer can at any time review, change, or request to remove their respective personal information, as well as request to unsubscribe from the newsletter. All requests must be sent in writing to

Scoop n Dough

Rua de Portas de Santo Antão, 78-82

1150-269, Lisboa

NIF 514272376

© Scoop 'n Dough, 2023

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